Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It Begins Again!

School has officially started and I am already officially ready to be done. Being as how I have another 4 months to go, I need to quickly get over this.
I am taking 5 classes this semester in hopes that I will be done by next summer!!! WOOT WOOT!
I already have mounds of homework and quizzes due this week. I wish that teachers would wait a couple of weeks to get really hardcore but, unfortunately, what I want means nothing.
My cooking classes this semester are going to be HARD! I am taking Principles of Baking with the strictest man in the world. This class is so important for me because this is exactly what I want to do in my future, but the teacher is something else. He has told us numerous times in the 2 classes I have had with him so far that he is not our friend and he wants to know nothing about us. He wants us to come to his class and do our work and shut up. If he deems that you answer something not in the exact way he would like he tells you quite politely to think before you speak and to read the book. He has had 60 years to learn this stuff, I have had a week. Give me a break. He LOVES to go off on tangents. For example, he was talking about milk and if you end up having to throw away a half of the gallon of milk, only buy a half gallon. Then he started talking about how families break up and children dont listen to adults. Now, I, personally, and not really sure what one has to do with the other but clearly they make sense to him. He also loves to remind us that if a recipe goes wrong or if we can't find jobs, etc then something is wrong with us and we need to change ourselves. He is crazy. Certifiably. And, even as I constantly broke out into laughter over this crazy, much older mans serious rantings, I couldnt help thinking how sexy and assertive he is. Oh dear. Its going to be a long semester!
My next cooking class is Quantity Baking. It just teaches us how to make huge amounts of items and have them come out nicely each time. With a family as large as mine this will certainly help out! This is the first class that this teacher has ever taught but he is incredibly nice and patient and I know that while it will be very challenging this class will be rewarding.
One day, far, far, far away from now. After years of peeling oranges and emptying flour into bins, to get the experience I need, I will be able to claim a little hole in the wall as my own. Here's to hope and dreams!

1 comment:

Minna and Matt Pedersen said...

You can do it Meggie!! I know you are gonna rock this semester!!!